Plaster maquette for Lincoln Cathedral commission: Our Lady of Lincoln

I have been commissioned to carve in stone a 1.9 metre (6.2 feet) high statue of Our Lady of Lincoln for a chapel at the east end of the famous Lincoln Cathedral. The illustration shows the half size maquette for the work, which is due to be completed by the end of 2013.

Although it is not usual for the Orthodox Church to use three dimensional imagery, there is a strong tradition in Western Christendom. In this work I am trying to make the sculpture act like an icon, so that people are led through it to the Mother of God. To this end I have drawn on the rich tradition of Romanesque art. To my mind this period is the most advanced in the history of western in producing effective iconographic imagery. Drawing on this tradition will also help to integrate the work into the cathedral, which is a Romanesque creation.