
hangfire enqueued jobs not processing

July 19, 2021. ], "@l": "Error", "@x": "MySqlConnector.MySqlException (0x80004005): The Command Timeout expired before the operation completed. Sign in Hangfire in ASP.NET Core allows the creation of background jobs and even provide monitoring features. Why or When to Schedule background jobs in .NET Core? Backed by persistent storage. Your email address will not be published. ASP.NET Core 6 To place a job into a different queue, use the QueueAttribute class on your method: For example, the EnqueuedState handler adds jobs to their corresponding queue in storage. @NeenuSunil, please provide any logs with exception stack traces, dashboard screenshots, configuration logic and output of the STDump to diagnose what happens. I have a job that I scheduled to run yesterday and when I check the queue today I see that it is enqueued but not processing. I have faced the above issue with Hangfire.Core 1.6 as well as 1.7.6 but i have noticed that my prefix names have hypens. Hangfire can process multiple queues. Noticed that every few days my jobs wont run, no failures are shown in the job log, they just dont run. Add class Services/DummyEmailService that will implement interface IEmailService & will contain an implementation of SendEmail method to writing to console window. Now after navigating to URL /Hangfire you should be able to see the dashboard for Hangfire in ASP.NET Core as shown below. I had saved the logs back then, when I knew for sure that the process had stalled in the same hour. Dashboard (on separate web app) says the Hangfire server is live and connected and good heartbeat, etc. Enqueued jobs are handled by a dedicated pool of worker threads. ASP.NET Core Security Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Scheduled jobs enqueued but not processing. For ASP.NET Core, define the queues array with services.AddHangfireServer in Startup.cs: Please use Hangfire Forum for long questions or questions with source code. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. I'm closing and locking this issue now, because almost any kind of problem in background processing will lead to the symptom "Jobs are enqueued but not processing", and more specified details required. The link continuation job fires when the parent batch of jobs have completed i.e. Hangfire.Dashboard.Authorization 2.0.0 I have a MVC application and I am trying to send an email using Hangfire and Postal. Here's the output of running stdump on the server process: EIDT: it's strange, if I click on the requeue button, the job will be processed, but all future enqueue jobs are pending again in this state. Rather, when a job is enqueued, a queue name such as fast can (optionally) be specified. For example, when we are using Hangfire.SqlServer the order is defined by alphanumeric order and array index is ignored. Now lets add the middleware for Hangfire to the ASP.NET Core Middleware Pipeline that will be required to add the Hangfire dashboard UI. Is it possible to run the following command (where default is the queue name and hangfire: is the configured prefix)? This delay i.e. The dashboard even allows you to manually run the jobs visible in the dashboard. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Any support would be highly appreciated @odinserj. I am hoping I dont need a background processor to stop and start hangfire. Hangfire can process multiple queues. Hangfire.MySqlStorage v2.0.3. When I was running the app with IIS Express, the queued jobs successfully get processed after queued. Execution will be retried (attempt #23) in 00:05:00 seconds. Do peer-reviewers ignore details in complicated mathematical computations and theorems? Security Please use the STDump utility to obtain stack traces of your threads, when everything is blocked, and post them here. Batch continuation is fired when all background jobs in a parent batch finished. Well occasionally send you account related emails. I am using Postal, so EmailService is not my implementation. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Also having the same issue. .NET Core Middleware I was using 2005. .NET 6 Seems like heartbeat is fine and jobs are enqueued but the processing part is not working. Would setting up some monitoring that polls the website sort this? by design, Hangfire doesn't assign jobs to queues. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); .NET 5 As the name suggests these jobs are executed after some delay. .NET Core Hosting Microservices Architecture When hangfire starts it looks for the required schema in the database if that does not exist then it will create the same as shown below. Ask him about the tire iron next. I wanted to know if we have known issues list of hangfire which says that prefix names whould have hypens, Submitted what is hopefully a fix for issues with dashes in schema name: #1531, We are having the same issue with Hangfire. Hangfire's UI is itself protected by an API key (a GUID which you define) and accessible from /hangfire if you have the API key. Perhaps if we polled the dashboard every 30 minutes or so. You can divide the relevant code into different projects if required, Your email address will not be published. Currently using SQL Server on Windows Server 2019. Schedule Method (Expression < Action >, TimeSpan) Creates a new background job based on a specified static method call expression and schedules it to be enqueued after a given delay. After running the application navigate to URL /Email this should call SendEmail to get action method in EmailController and the below screen should be displayed. Encapsulation We don't have any issues now. Hangfire Server part is responsible for background job processing. Your answer only prevents a job to be executed in a machine other than the one where it has been queued, but it doesn't prevent reentrancy. Provides static methods for creating fire-and-forget, delayed jobs and continuations as well as re-queue and delete existing background jobs. From dashboard UI you will be able to see scheduled jobs & monitor the status of jobs. If you want to prioritize your jobs, or split the processing across your servers (some processes for the archive queue, others for the images queue, etc), you can tell Hangfire about your decisions. What does "you better" mean in this context of conversation? Inheritance Hierarchy System. The problem still exist. the second job should execute provided that the first/parent job has executed correctly. This creates a higher demand for all kinds of services. SF story, telepathic boy hunted as vampire (pre-1980). Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Odd that it says 0 jobs succeeded. Hangfire.DocumentDB 2.1.0. Hangfire.BackgroundJob.Schedule is used to create the Delayed background task. We will add calls to the extension method AddHangfire & AddHangfireServer on the IServiceCollection in ConfigureServices method in class Startup. Why does secondary surveillance radar use a different antenna design than primary radar? Microsoft Azure - Hangfire Discussion Enqueued jobs won't start processing bug? The rest are 0's Looks like all of the processing jobs for the the git sync 881315 9.33 KB 879752 23.2 KB I have push only sync enabled. Hangfire Job execution engine information. SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE on the Hangfire schema in the application database. .NET Core 5 Please create an issue in the repository which provides the PostgresSql job storage extension as it's written and maintained by different people. Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. To place a job into a different queue, use the QueueAttribute class on your method: Continuation allows you to define a workflow i.e. No Windows Service or separate process required. Add interface Services/IEmailService.cs that has function SendEmail which will be implemented in dummy service DummyEmailService to write to console that email has been sent. 1) Change the job state to deleted: UPDATE Hangfire.Job SET StateName = 'Deleted' WHERE JSON_VALUE (InvocationData, '$.type') LIKE 'Your.Job.Type.Here%' AND CreatedAt > '2019-07-01 00:00' AND CreatedAt < '2019-07-01 23:59' AND StateName = 'Enqueued' Single API for all applications is exposed through the BackgroundJobServer class: // Create an instance of Hangfire Server and start it. Out of the box support for popular logging frameworks allows you to catch errors early with zero configuration. DummyEmailService, which implements interface IEmailService, that simulates mail sending by writing to console window that mail has been sent instead of sending actual mail. He'll say he knows nothing about any tire iron. ", What if we continue on a job that already executed? msmq, queues marcselman June 8, 2015, 9:33pm #1 Hi, I just setup MSMQ using a private queue (private$\hangfire-default). However it is better to control the exit points in your methods by using cancellation tokens. Linux (Debian) Continuations are executed when its parent job has been finished. Polymorphism How Intuit improves security, latency, and development velocity with a Site Maintenance - Friday, January 20, 2023 02:00 - 05:00 UTC (Thursday, Jan Were bringing advertisements for technology courses to Stack Overflow, Queuing BankgroundJob with Hangfire within an async action in ASP.NET MVC freeze the application, Roles Create New DataBase When I Add a user to a role in MVC 5. Interesting. Unit Testing using XUnit, Hangfire in ASP.NET Core Easy way to Schedule Background Jobs. Any suggestions on what you look for or deal with this? It's almost impossible to find out what's happened without additional information, please see the following link and describe everything, including "ProTips" section. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Though the user has been unblocked before the completion of long-running activities completion of these activities is also important as those are part of request business logic. You signed in with another tab or window. Background jobs or tasks allow the programmers to execute code on a different thread but scheduling & monitoring background jobs is a difficult task to achieve. An easy way to perform background processing in .NET and .NET Core applications. These jobs are executed immediately after the linked previous job has been successfully executed. It is worth noting the server we stop/start after 10 days is not the server that actually calls BackgroundProcess.Enqueue, please see details below along with a simple diagram of what is going on. Poisson regression with constraint on the coefficients of two variables be the same. Execution will be retried (attempt #23) in 00:05:00 seconds." You can use Hangfire on different machines to get more processing power with no configuration synchronization is performed automatically. odinserj closed this as completed on Oct 29, 2021 HangfireIO locked and limited conversation to collaborators on Oct 29, 2021 Background jobs are created in a persistent storage SQL Server and Redis supported officially, and a lot of other community-driven storages. Would you please let me know what am I missing. The rest are 0s, Looks like all of the processing jobs for the the git sync. This may be caused by user code that throws the ThreadAbortException or by something more serious. With a maximum of 20. Implement Hangfire in ASP.NET Core i.e. Here's the output of running stdump on the server process: @sethsteenken, thanks for the stack trace. Any help would be greatly appreciated @odinserj, See simple diagram https://app.lucidchart.com/invitations/accept/0d6b7469-6243-4fa5-9174-f573cb6ae3e9. We recently migrated to a linux VM in azure and since then sporadically it freezes, even after a job successfully finished, the queue does not continue. The Hangfire Server uses multiple threads to perform background jobs. Debug ASP.NET Errors Actually, we are on memory storage. More than one background job can be linked together to form batch jobs together so that they all are executed together at the same time. These servers are responsible for processing jobs. What is the (tax) aquisition date for stocks aquired via merger? Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Open and free for commercial use. Also, this is a design feature and not a functional feature so spending too much time on this will not go down well with all the stakeholders. There are a lot of reasons for this to happen, including different deadlocks in background job methods themselves. Can I change which outlet on a circuit has the GFCI reset switch? Hangfire database is used to for storing jobs information. I identified an issue that would cause the hangfire jobs to hang like this if one of the git syncs hangs. What does "you better" mean in this context of conversation? Not the answer you're looking for? Recurring Jobs List of all the jobs which have been scheduled as recurring jobs can be seen. Learn Python server/application that creates a job can be separate from the server/application that executes the job. Jobs All the jobs stored in the database will be visible here under different status as Scheduled, Enqueued, Processing, Succeeded, Failed, Deleted & Awaiting. I'll try to post another set of logs as soon as the problem reappears, and maybe get the stack dump too. Meaning it can process a background job per thread within the Hangfire server. wait time is configurable and is queued upon creation. Azure Storage How to pass duration to lilypond function. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. AddHangfireServer This adds Hangfire Server to the dependency injection container which will be used to configure and run jobs. Once a background job was created without any exception, Hangfire takes the responsibility to process it with the at least once semantics. @meriturva there are a lot of problems with the package you are using too, instead of downgrading try switching to the new Hangfire.InMemory package instead, it's already on NuGet. After stopping the server and then starting up again newly queued jobs process fine. If you are using redis, is it cluster mode enabled?? Hangfire jobs get stuck in Queues and never get processed when deployed in Local IIS Ask Question Asked 8 years, 1 month ago Modified 9 months ago Viewed 5k times 0 I am having a weird issue here. If possible, could you please take a memory dump of the process and upload it here? Stay updated! If you are using redis, is it cluster mode enabled?? UPDATE There's only one line that's odd there, about the "DelayedJobScheduler recovered from the Faulted state". Instantly get notified about my new articles in your mailbox by subscribing via email. Hangfire Server part is responsible for background job processing. To demonstrate different types of jobs in Hangfire in ASP.NET Core first lets create a dummy service i.e. How to use Hangfire We are going to host hangfire in an ASP.NET Core app and use SQLite for storage. Open and free for commercial use. Can you take a look in the hangfire dashboard to see if there is anything useful? you can configure multiple (parent-continuation job) background jobs that can be linked together based on completion of a parent job. .NET Core 2.2.403 Although the default installation uses SQL Server and polling technique to fetch jobs, you can leverage MSMQ or Redis extensions to reduce the processing latency to minimum. You can also use MSSQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL and other database engines and host it in a console app. But note that the name of the method is Enqueue, and not the Call, Invoke and so on. Have a question about this project? While Hangfire comes with a lot of great features , Posted: (5 days ago) We have no idea how to troubleshoot as we don't find anything in logs. Each filter can operate on and change the job's behavior at that point in the pipeline. Supported database is 2008R2 and later: http://docs.hangfire.io/en/latest/configuration/using-sql-server.html The method NotifyRegistration must be static: https://discuss.hangfire.io/t/jobs-in-enqueue-state-most-never-run/2367/4 . We got the same problem using Hangfire 1.7.11 and Hangfire Pro 2.2.2 on Ubuntu 1804 with .NET Core 3.1.301. I think I cannot debug it because is a background job or similar, @TomRedfern, yes, it works correctly outside hangfire. Hangfire uses workers to handle the tasks, you define the number of workers you want and they share the queue, running the tasks on a first come first serve basis. Hangfire supports all the major logging frameworks and will log the complete job execution information to the logging destination configured for the application. Another great thing that Hangfire provides is a Dashboard where you can monitor the whole activity in the Hangfire Server, such as, Enqueued Jobs, Processing Jobs, Retries, etc. Restarting server helps, but after some time jobs get stuck again. It happens randomly. I have read the docs but its really unclear what to do to combat this. I have a simple MVC5 application + Hangfire 1.2.0. @odinserj safe yourself some time reading all this :). I do get errors in the console from time to time where git sync fails, but when I check in the settings the most recent git sync looks correct for the last time I saved something. Microsoft Identity Hangfire in ASP.NET Core application can be simple or distributed i.e. File Upload You will need to install the NuGet package Hangfire as shown below to include Hangfire references into your application. 0 open issues. Java Arrays However I have updated my post. so you can see what I have done Just to rule things out, and because I have read that polling too frequently can cause issues, can you remove your custom polling and see if it executes? Sure thing, thank you for the quick response. If you dont want to process background jobs in a specific application instance, just dont create an instance of the BackgroundJobServer class. We use Hangfire at Assetbots to manage and coordinate all our background processing and event handling. And sorry for the confusion. There might be some web requests which take lots of time for execution like generating a report on successful insertion or sending email/SMS as acknowledgment for the transaction completion. Stop Hangfire job from enqueuing if already enqueued, windows services using HangFire for sending email daily, Running a background task for sending emails when a user posts to a discussion board in ASP.NET CORE, Hangfire - Prevent multiples of the same job being enqueued, cannot convert from threading task to system action, Hangfire job enqueued using interface ignores specified job filters on class/method level, First story where the hero/MC trains a defenseless village against raiders. If its production environment and clients are waiting for enqueued job, you can try restart server and it might start processing the jobs but issue still has to be fixed. Being a demo application I have hardcoded SQL Server connecting string in the startup class but that is not a good practice so please configure your SQL Server connection strings in the appsettings.json file and set it from there so that you have environment-specific SQL Server connection strings. EXECUTE on sp_getapplock and sp_releaseapplock in the master database. Enqueued jobs not running, 10 days after server restart, https://app.lucidchart.com/invitations/accept/0d6b7469-6243-4fa5-9174-f573cb6ae3e9, new jobs are placed on the queue but not processed after 9/10 days (2 days of no activity), 1 app service hosted in Azure exposes a front end to the client, 1 app service hosted in Azure exposes an api which when triggered queues a background job, this server does the enqueuing of the jobs. We had almost 3200 jobs enqueued overnight. I was using 2005. Now lets add a new API controller i.e. @Gheri Thanks for the replay, I already tried this and even after restarting server the same issue occurs. Easy to set up, easy to use. We will add a call to the extension method UseHangfireDashboard on the IApplicationBuilder instance. If I try to manually run a job in this state it sits in the Queued status and never runs. Now that all the required NuGet packages for Hangfire has been installed we will not configure Hangfire in Startup.cs file. Is it realistic for an actor to act in four movies in six months? Hangfire Quick Start BackgroundJob.Enqueue ( () => Console.WriteLine ("Fire-and-forget")); Hangfire HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem ( here) void I will be using Visual Studio 2019 community edition along with .NET Core 5 to create a new Web API project, 3. We have not restarted the api server at all and when viewing the hangfire dashboard a heart beat is shown as expected. These jobs are executed almost immediately after creation and only once. Sign in app.UseHangfireServer(new BackgroundJobServerOptions() { Queues = new[] { "emails_queue" }, WorkerCount = 20 }); I'm closing and locking this issue now, because almost any kind of problem in background processing will lead to the symptom "Jobs are enqueued but not processing", and more specified details required. 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