After two years work and 400,00 hand cut tesserae, the two mosaics for St George’s Christian Orthodox Church in Houston Texas are finally completed and in place.
We were supported by the splendid hospitality of Father James Shadid and his wonderful wife Gigi and children Dimitri, Noel and Emil, along with a host of other members of the parish. Thank you all for your love and giving us the honour of making these mosaics – all 4.9 x 3.6 metres (16 x 12 feet) of them!
Mosaic is a mix of sculpture and painting, in which cubes of coloured glass and stone are used to create two-dimensional forms. It is a sort of Pointillism in which everything must be done with little squares or triangles of colour. The direction of the tesserae lines (called andamenta in Italian) is also crucial. These andamenta create rhythm and flow. Our continual challenge was to translate painted icons into a form suitable for this very different medium. Please go to the Aidan Hart Icons website for more images of the mosaic.