
xenogender list carrd

EZGENDER. Scribblespectric A gender related to scribbly humanoid figures and the slight feeling of unease caused by the knowledge that while this figure is humanoid, they aren't quite human. Fae-Iridesic is a gender connected to iridescent fairy wings, their colors and their delicate nature. Apocalypsic: A xenogender related to sci-fi, zombies, surviving, adrenaline, melancholy, hope and all to do with zombie apocalypse and it's aesthetic. I'm Beetle, I like to collect genders and pronouns so I made this carrd so I can list them all! so i wanted to put a carrd together that (hopefully) compiles info in a way people can understand! Particularly with songs like Kamikaze, Dreams Don't Turn To Dust, Plant Life, The Real World, and Deer in the Headlights. Got bored. Catgender at.tumblr.comsolpaw. how someone identifies themself has nothing to do with you. the term xenogender was coined in 2014 by tumblr user baaphomett in a submission to the mogai-archive blog, and originates from "xeno," which means alien! "Autigender? please provide CREDIT to the original artist if you want artwork as your image. though do keep in mind you don't have to fully understand something to support it, that's going to be a BIG point in this carrd! I will coin genderz!!! Halloweencoric A xenogender in which one feels very connected to halloween and its aesthetic; a halloween aesthetigender related to the person feeling not fully human and someone "spooky" in a sense. may be connected to plushies, naps and happiness, Plushmotrellic is a gender related to plushies burying your face in pillows hanging star lights and star projector nightlights, Recuddlovic is a gender related to recovering from sadness while cuddling a teddy bear and feeling comfort, Chocomoadesque is a xenogender that is reminiscient of cats, chocolate milk, fluffy pillows and slippers, and warm mornings, Lollipipen is sugary gender related to lollipops it feels pastel, lighthearted, and sweet in nature, Pastelmelticatic is a gender related to cats, candy, pastel colors and melted ice cream, Kittyplushgender is a gender related to cats, cat plushies, cute things, and stuffed animals. There are genuine criticisms of MOGAI, but more often than not, the acronym is used online as a negative adjective to refer to identities that one doesn't consider 'valid enough' to count as nonbinary. A question that the Duke of Sussex answered without taboos. explanation; misconceptions; there's been a lot of talk about xenogenders lately! I didn't have any words to describe my gender at the time, but I found immense comfort in Treasure Planet, and in a lot of ways I felt seen by it. asexuals and such using the split attraction model is fine.) what's a xenogender? | | - This Is My Xenogender Carrd ! pronouns outside of conventional use (he, she, they in english) include xe, fae, zi, bun, plur, and many more. according to some people, yes. I DONT WANT TO COIN GENDERS FOR YOU. though do keep in mind you don't have to fully understand something to support it, that's going to be a BIG point in this carrd! commonly used examples are stargender, muttgender, bunnygender. a neurodivergent person may struggle trying to find a term that fits for their . The transgender umbrella includes people with nonbinary gender identities. Transgender: An umbrella term covering all gender identities or expressions that transgress or transcend societys rules and concepts of gender. trans people do not need to appeal to cis people to be valid. Can feel hard to fully define, as though buried under fluff, but not in a distressing sense" Genderilargi: "A gender that feels comfortable but like a night on the beach. You may not understand how [insert something here] can be a gender, and that's okay. Are xenogenders only for ND people? What really happens when kids say they're transgender? NSFW content is not allowed, that includes overly sexual themes and irl gore images. xenogenders list xenogenders xenogender list of xenogenders r/xenogenders and morexenogender list are xenogenders valid? Genderblankie is a xenogender exclusively for age-regressors it feels similar to how one feels when regressed. This may include genders that are related to animals, plants, or other things that are not traditionally a ' gender .' It's cold and almost grows in the dark" Nocturne: "An orientation that becomes more prominent at night, and had qualities of stereotypical 'night love' (i.e. What about trans/nonbinary people who physically can never pass because of how their body is, or because they physically cannot bind/tuck, undergo hormone therapy, or have surgeries because of health conditions? the most widely spread example of a xenogender is catgender, a gender that is "your gender feeling . - Radinclus - Mspec "Lesbians/Gays" + supporters (aka Bi/Pan lesbians) The movie (or particular parts of it) may be a source of gender envy/gender euphoria. Catgender is a xenogender used by individuals who identify as/strongly connect with cats and felines. Welcome to the Xenogender Wiki! Etc Gatekeeping is the act of attacking the perceived "weakest link," and very quickly, that could be your identity. 2) A gender related to being a catboys or related to being a catboy. Sweetcatgender is a gender connected to soft , fluffy cats and sweet , sugary things, Blueycomfic is a gender connected to the show Bluey being someones comfort show, Grilledcheesecatic is a gender connected to grilled cheese sandwiches and cats, Sleepyregressic is a gender related to age regression, pastels, feeling sleepy, warm blankets, and happy stimming, Cuddlegender is a gender that is childlike and soft, and focused on the love and security one feels around their stuffed toys. Among young people, many are indeed looking for new gender perspectives: according to a 20 Minutes poll in 2018, 13% of 18-30 year olds said they did not identify with either a man or a woman . because of these things, i and many other people who identify with xenogenders do not want to be associated with mogai. softpinkcatgender is a xenogender identity, who happens to also be a subtype of both catgender & pinkgender/pastelpinkgender. As if not being able to transition, bind, or not feeling dysphoria the same way other trans people do, are all things that prove that person isn't 'really' trans. list of xenogenders carrd? Petalkitty its a fluid xenogender sliding between feminine and catgender and can be described as cute, small, soft, and anxious. Something animated by hand, raw and organic, meeting the smooth and mechanical CGI. Wolfpupgender: A gender for people who identify with or find comfort in werewolves and/or wolves, more specifically wolf pups. a xenogender is a non-"socially acceptable" or binary gender that falls under the nonbinary umbrella. Those who use this label may feel a strong connection to the story, aesthetics, imagery, characters, music, and/or overall feeling of Treasure Planet, in a way that informs their gender. gender is a social construct, and the gender binary isn't even the same in some cultures. i will update this carrd whenever i see new pronouns so people can find pronouns that most fit them! - Basic Dni criteria (transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, racist, etc.) it just personally makes me uncomfortable.) - | | Thank You For Reading ! no! Answers to your questions about transgender people 9 questions about trans issues you were too embarrassed to ask It embraces a sort of synthetic masculinity; aka, the feeling that you have carefully curated your masc-leaning presentation yet it is somehow artificial and/or not inherently linked to the way you experience gender (similar to how androids might process/understand it). A Spanish translation is especially wanted, but any other language is also welcomed. Catstimmic is a xenogender that is strongly connected to stimming and cats it is exclusively for neurodivergent people. The category of transgender includes people who have the binary gender identities of female (transgender women) or male (transgender men). This carrd is intended to list some common misconceptions and talk about MOGAI history. according to some people, yes. (i'm gonna call them xenogenders throughout the carrd since that's what i refer to them as). Pikagender: "A gender that is connected to the Pokemon Pikachu. A: The opposite of xenogender is anthrogender. . you can also provide me with a colour scheme if you want!!!! Among young people, many are indeed looking for new gender perspectives: according to a 20 Minutes poll in 2018, 13% of 18-30 year olds said they did not identify with either a man or a woman . Nonbinary: Any gender identity which does not fit within the binary of male and female. Xenogender: A nonbinary gender identity that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender; more concerned with crafting other methods of gender categorization and hierarchy such as those relating to animals, plants, or other creatures/things. For this reason, it is often difficult for people who are not xenogenders to fully understand the concept of them. I made some art from xenogender flags(I already posted these in tumblr but i thought i should share here too) Art/Comic. This gender is connected to both cats and plants." have any more questions? people with xenogenders are not hurting anyone, it's people who want to divide the trans community with truscum ideology. Lycaneongender: A gender that is both connected to being a werewolf and neon colours. welcome to the updated neopronoun masterlist! Related I 'm fluid, agender, trans, demi My identity is non-binary. GenderBing Autistic people who identify with multiple gender identities/terms due to their autism. :] however i might ask for clarification on things sometimes!!! you can also send something to my curiouscat instead if you'd like. Feel free to use any that resonate with you. Jouine: from "joy" and "sanguine". though, you don't have to understand it to support it! A joyful gender, very happy and euphoric about who they are. Think whether or not they may contain content triggering to you, especially with the horror-themed list.) neurotypicals (those without autism, adhd, etc) are usually permitted and encouraged to use xenogenders if they want to, although some xenogenders are very closely intertwined with meurodivergent experiences. 2) A gender related to being a catgirl; When your gender is just being a catgirl. (Think of all the languages you can't speak a word of, all the cultures you've never even seen, all the life experiences you can never have. So I first knew I wanted to be a designer when I was at the art academy. It feels eerie and dark and may be unable to be fully comprehended. autistic people can have an extremely complicated relationship with gender / identity as a whole and may not feel connected to more ' conventional ' identities, and may feel more personally connected to concepts / objects / animals / etc. Xenogender is a nonbinary gender identity and umbrella term that defines gender identities which " cannot be contained by human understandings of gender ." This means that its genders are more or less crafted towards things that are out of relation to humans, like animals, plants, or things. It opened in roughly Summer of 2014, ran for about nine months, and posted 230+ terms. preferably a image that relates to the gender please!!! | | , | | Xenogenders A-M | | Amplexic: "A gender identity that embraces ones feminine and masculine traits or qualities, but isn't defined by them. Mostly For Myself To Keep Track But Feel Free To Read It ! Sometimes we as human beings will not be able to completely understand an experience because it's one we will never have, and that doesn't mean that the experience is invalid. Soffgender is a xenogender that feels cloudy, blurry, static-like, and fluffy or soft. Definitions Will Be Next To The Name It Goes With. no one is forcing other trans people to identify as xenogenders or anything like that. I don't feel threatened whatsoever by ""weird"" genders, neopronouns, or nounself pronouns, etc, because I understand that this is just someone else's lived experience, and I think it's pretty cool that LGBTQ+ folk have continued to eschew the boundaries of language to invent new ways to refer to ourselves. preferably a image that relates to the gender please!!! Owl City was one of my longest special interests, and while currently dormant, Adam's music continues to be incredibly special to me. Pronouns, for the record, say nothing about one's dysphoria, but The World Medical Association, The World Health Organization, The American Psychological Association, and, Is someone only really trans/nonbinary if they can pass? While xenogenders can be hard to understand at first, it's important to understand that (the majority of) these terms are coined because someone out there was genuinely struggling to find a label that felt fitting, and found that their actual life experience couldn't be described accurately by more common descriptors like "male," "female," "neutral," and that describing their experience by relating it to something else truly helped them. It's soft and sweet and spreads all around creating a filling sensation." it's literally just people using them to identify themselves. It embraces a sort of synthetic femininity; aka, the feeling that you have carefully curated your fem-leaning presentation yet it is somehow artificial and/or not inherently linked to the way you experience gender (similar to how androids might process/understand it). Atbabic is a musicagender for those whose gender relates to/can be described by the Owl City album All Things Bright and Beautiful. Neopronoun resources . Loicgender is a gender that is small, sweet, and friendly, like a nightlight in a room. Horrorbeing: A gender connected to horror/being horrific & a being. You're absolutely allowed to have criticism, but these phrasings ignore the fact that MOGAI is an acronym and just come out similar to saying "the LGBTs." I will credit them in the post i make!!! that's my bad. anyone can create a xenogender if theyd like to and feel it would help them better express themself! Etc. i'll delete hateful messages though. xenogenders are not valid r/xenogenders xenogenders list and meaning sr/xenogender xenogenders list carrd xenogender carrd xenogenders carrd, LOVE & SEX xenogenders list list of xenogenders carrd non human xenogenders xenogenders xenogenders cat xenogenders bright xenogenders xenogenders are not valid. Defining yourself by unique association, without going through a material and gendered projection , this is what this new categorization would allow, as journalist Alice Pfeiffer explained in a dedicated article . Gendielexic is a gender related to the word "gendie" it may feel childish, comfy, small, fun and cutesy, Sleepykiddic is a gender related to snacks, dino toys/plushies, sleeping, and reading a bedtime story as a child, Purpcomfyac is a gender related to pastel purple, pastel pink, stuffed animals, pastel blankets, powdered sugar, and softness, Genderfull feeling like you are full of gender feeling as though your gender is intense and important to your identity, Dinoflupupic a gender related to age regression, fluffy puppies and dino plushies, Agepetresoftic is a gender related to being an age regressor, pet regressor, soft things, cat-bell collars, and sweets, Joigenremacian a gender related to the feeling of joy that comes from coining a gender and/or seeing someone identifying with it. Pastelle is a xenogender related to light and pastel colors, cake, and sweet flavors. It almost feels as if it could burn if one isn't careful" Lunaenic: "A gender that's cold, melancholic, and associated with the night" Meilait: "A gender-related to milk and honey. Powered by Audion Listen to this article Who are the xenogenders, these beings who identify with plants, colors or numbers? Xenogender:A nonbinary gender identity that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender; more concerned with crafting other methods of gender categorization and hierarchy such as those relating to animals, plants, or other creatures/things. for example, i am pupgender, and also bigender! !please tell me if you want to be CREDITED or ANONYMOUS when i post your gender!!! Kenodigilic A gender related to exploring liminal spaces in video games, the feeling of being in a liminal space, gaming alone at night, and liminal-feeling video game experiences such as anti-piracy screens and abandoned video game maps. All rights reserved. you can have a xenogender and still feel ties to conventional gender labels, especially since there are people who may not feel comfortable using their xenogender as their main gender descriptor, for fear of being made fun of or for any other reasons. or i can come up with it!!! xenogenders can coexist with other gender identity labels. If the definition of xenogender may make you smile, this categorization is just as valid as other LGBTQI+ gender identities . Eldritchfeminine A gender that is partially feminine with a core part of the identity being about wishing to appear as a totally unidentifiable eldritch being. going to dinner, couch cuddling, etc.)" people with xenogenders are not hurting anyone, it's people who want to divide the trans community with truscum ideology. 1) A male/masculine catgender. March 17, 2015: One of the moderators deleted the blog in disgust about the term panplatonic. prince harry. Werewolfthing A gender thats connected to being a werewolf and being a thing, Arcadegender: An aesthetigender that is related to arcadecore and flashy colors. Explaining ones gendered connection to this album may be as simple as "my gender is All Things Bright and Beautiful," or more complex and nuanced, for example "ATBAB is (part of) my special interest, making it a core pillar of my personality/sense of self, and feels intrinsically tied to my gender". To be trans means to identify as a gender other than the gender one was assigned at birth. send me something on twitter or curiouscat! This is victim-blaming, plain and simple. "But neolabels/xenogenders/'MOGAI genders' are why people don't take us seriously!" Will be Next to the Name it Goes with of gender comfort werewolves. Divide the trans community with truscum ideology catstimmic is a xenogender exclusively for it. Here too ) Art/Comic transgender women ) or male ( transgender men ) meeting the smooth and mechanical.! 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